Friday 24 October 2014

Genre Theory

I will be applying theory to my work throughout the production process to help with my evaluation and prepare me for the exam. As I continue through the production, I will update this post to show how I have linked/related my product to the theory. The slideshare above is a summary of the theory.

Audience Theory

I will be applying theory to my work throughout the production process to help with my evaluation and prepare me for the exam. As I continue through the production, I will update this post to show how I have linked/related my product to the theory. The slideshare above is a summary of the theory.

Narrative Theory

I will be applying theory to my work throughout the production process to help with my evaluation and prepare me for the exam. As I continue through the production, I will update this post to show how I have linked/related my product to the theory. The slideshare above is a summary of the theory.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Representation Theory

I will be applying theory to my work throughout the production process to help with my evaluation and prepare me for the exam. As I continue through the production, I will update this post to show how I have linked/related my product to the theory. The slideshare above is a summary of the theory.

Friday 17 October 2014

Audience Research - Target Audience Q&A

To continue my audience research I did two Q&A videos with two of my peers. Emily and Kayleigh both fit into the criteria for my target audience, as they are both females in their late teens, who enjoy the indie genre. I did this to find out what does and does not appeal to my target audience and why. This has given me a better understanding of what people would expect from my music video, and allows me to further develop my ideas in relation to the feedback Emily and Kayleigh have given me.

Some specific points I will take on from the Q&As:

  • performance elements are needed
  • needs to be edited to the beat of the song
  • use a wide range of cinematography & use of colour
  • don't include explicit content or sexualisation of women
  • video shouldn't be cheesy or cliche in relation to love & relationships
  • my idea of linking the props to the lyrics is good

Sunday 12 October 2014


Today, whilst searching for some inspiration for my music video, I came across New York-based artist Judith Braun. She uses her fingertips as brushes to create symmetrical works of art. She creates a wide-range of abstract patterns and shapes, and her work is so unique and clever. She states: "Abstraction keeps the images free to be anything, while the symmetry resolves that fluidity into something, like liquid energy crystallizing..."
Due to the metaphor of fingertips running through the lyrics of 'Foundations', I would love to somehow incorporate Braun's style of work into my music video.

Style Inspiration Moodboard (MES)

This is a moodboard I have put together of some inspiration/ideas for the costume, hair and makeup for my artist in the video. I want my artist to have an eclectic and alternative style, with about 3 or 4 look changes throughout the video. The main inspiration for the way I want my artist to look is existing female artists that have a unique and inventive style, e.g. Grimes, Kate Nash, Karen O, Haim & Bjork (all of which, and more, feature on my moodboard). I want to mix and match different styles and looks in order to create an artist that really fits into the indie genre and stands out from the crowd.

Friday 10 October 2014

Audience Research - Survey

To get some further ideas as to what audiences like/want out of music videos I put together an online survey. I used questions and answers which I could use to develop and improve the ideas I have for my music video so it will appeal to the target audience.

Here is the link to my survey:

I have shared/posted the link to my survey on social media, etc. in order to get a wider range of people to do the survey so the results will be more genuine and realistic. A couple of print screened examples are below:

Audience Research - Poll

To help get some basic & initial information on what an audience likes/wants in a music video, I have put a poll on my blog. I will ask a wide range of people to vote on this poll and once I have some results, I will put them all together and see how I can adapt my idea for my video to suit what the audience wants.

Here are the screenshots of how I put the poll on to my blog and where I can find the amount of people that have voted and the overall results:

  • First I selected 'layout' on the settings of my blog, then I clicked 'add a gadget' and when the pop up appeared I scrolled down and went on 'poll'

  • I typed in the question I wanted to ask and the four possible answers, then pressed 'save'. This added it to my blog, and I repeated this for each question I wanted in my poll

  • As you can see in the screenshot below, my poll is along the left hand side of my blog (I have highlighted around where it is to make it clearer in the pic). It is a simple selection poll, so will not take long for people to take part in, which will hopefully draw more people to do it. I have also circled the sections that say how many people have voted and how many days there are left to vote.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Textual Analysis Part 2: Technical Elements

This is the second part of my textual analysis. It is an overview of how each artist uses the technical elements: cinematography, editing, mise-en-scene and sound, in their music videos to create meaning.

Monday 6 October 2014

Textual Analyses (LIIAR) - 3 Alternative/Indie Music Videos

This is my textual analyses for 3 existing music videos from alternative and indie bands/artists. I have done a LIIAR style analysis so I could go more in-depth and really pick each video apart. This has helped me get an idea of what is expected from a music video within the indie genre, and taught me that for a music video to stand out within this genre, it must have some unconventional features which make it unique and alternative. Therefore, I will take this on board and incorporate it into my own music video.